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Mapping Trends in Strategic Management for Sustainable Production

Mapping Trends in Strategic Management for Sustainable Production

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Cómo citar
Marulanda-Grisales, N. (2021). Mapping Trends in Strategic Management for Sustainable Production. Producción + Limpia, 16(2), 63-91.


Introduction: The uncertainty derived from the availability of natural resources require transformations in strategic management to adopt sustainable production practices without affecting competitive advantage. Objective: This research aims to analyze the behavior and evolution of trends in publications on strategic management for the adoption of sustainable production practices. The Materials and methods: used was Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses (PRISMA) and a bibliometric study for 442 publications retrieved from the Scopus database. Indicators of quantity (Pareto’s Law, Lotka’s Law and Solla Price Law), quality (Impact, h-index), and structure (Co-occurrence and cluster) were analyzed. The Results identified as research trends: environmental innovation; circular economy; Green Supply Chain Management; and bio-economic cost models. Conclusion: Finally, eight clusters emerged: (1) Management and models of sustainability to face climate change; (2) Natural resources conservation; (3) Methodologies, models and strategies of sustainable production; (4) Circular economy and waste management in sustainable production; (5) Energy sources management in productive processes; (6) Education and water management; (7) Risks and uncertainty management; and (8) Public policies for sustainable production.

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