A simple effect solar still (SESS) simulation software
A simple effect solar still (SESS) simulation software
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Introduction. Solar distillation is an ecofriendlyand low-cost method for obtainingfreshwater from saline or impure watersources. The design of solar stills requiresexploring different configurations to achievethe desired water production. Objective. In thisstudy, the SESS software is presented as a toolthat enables users to simulate and calculatethe water production of a simple effect solarstill based on their materials, dimensions, andweather conditions. Materials and methods.SESS software was developed in Matlab®. Theprocess starts formulating a mathematicalmodel for the thermal behavior of a simpleeffect solar still. Then, the model is solved usingthe fourth order Runge-Kutta method, and auser interface is created. Finally, SESS softwareis validated by comparing experimental datafrom a solar still prototype with simulationresults in the same conditions. Results.During the validation process, the softwareexhibited a mean absolute percentage error of1.11 % for water temperature, 1.47 % for basetemperature, and 35.31 % for the volume ofdistilled water. These findings lie within thereported range of similar studies. Conclusions.SESS effectively serves as a valuable tool forsupporting solar still design.
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