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Appropriating ICT for International Business Negotiations Performance: A Case Study of the Pacific Alliance

Appropriating ICT for International Business Negotiations Performance: A Case Study of the Pacific Alliance

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Cano, J. A., & Baena Rojas, J. J. (2018). Appropriating ICT for International Business Negotiations Performance: A Case Study of the Pacific Alliance. Revista Lasallista De Investigación, 15(1).

José Alejandro Cano

    José Alejandro Cano,


    Nowadays Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have improved the processes in organizations and enterprises. In this sense, international business negotiations can be optimized with these tools allowing that small, medium and large enterprises also increase their proficiency and performance in this kind of operation. According to the information above, this article analyzes the level of appropriation of these technologies and several correlations between variables related with the use of ICT within the Pacific Alliance. Objective. This article aims to identify the relationship between appropriation of ICT and performance of international business negotiations in this trade bloc. Materials and Methods. A relationship model between appropriation of ICT and performance of international business negotiations is proposed, validating it with a study conducted with 384 companies from Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru that carry out import and/or export processes. Findings. The evidence indicates an important proficiency and international negotiation performance improvement within the enterprises in this region. Conclusion. This research shows that increasing the frequency of training in the use of ICT promotes proficiency in these technologies and improves performance in the international negotiation process.

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