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Brand Performance Development: Synthesis and Research Agenda

Brand Performance Development: Synthesis and Research Agenda

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Cómo citar
Saldarriaga-Romero, V. J., Muñoz Molina, Y., & Velásquez Ceballos, H. (2024). Brand Performance Development: Synthesis and Research Agenda. Revista Lasallista De Investigación, 21(1), 41-76.


This study aimed to analyze the existing literature between 2010-2022 that covers brand performance as a highly relevant issue in the field of Brand Management and provide an accurate mapping of theoretical contributions by studying research outcomes, methods, approaches, and measurements, across empirical studies (MacInnis, 2011). Considering the potential influence of internal and external factors of the organization on brand performance, there needs to be more conceptual development and a systematic examination of how researchers in brand management should conceptualize and measure brand performance properly. The findings and future research agenda are presented under the TCCM Framework proposed by Paul and Rosado-Serrano (2019). The results suggest that 1) analyzing the characteristics and context of the market in which the brand is present before the definition of its evaluation is of the utmost importance, due to brand performance is the result of synergistic relationships between different internal and external factors, and stakeholders of the organization; 2) previous studies had focused on addressing multinational brands in developed markets, which make necessary to build new knowledge by considering the smaller brands, different types of markets and economies; and 3) identifying determinants of brand performance is as relevant as measuring it. Finally, we contributed with additional and actionable steps for researchers to systematically improve research and managerial practice in the future.

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