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Adaptive User Profiling Scheme Using Brain Imaging

Adaptive User Profiling Scheme Using Brain Imaging

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Julián Gaviria Giraldo, J. A. J. B. (2014). Adaptive User Profiling Scheme Using Brain Imaging. Revista Lasallista De Investigación, 10(2).


Introduction. This article shows how computerscience and cognitive neuroscience can be mergedto propose an effective profiling scheme. In the areaof user profiling this paper will provide the paths andtrends that researches has already gone through,and how some issues are being overpassed. In otherwords, this work will solve effectively one issue: contentpersonalization through the identification of anindividual’s learning behavior. Objective. This workwill demonstrate characterizing someone’s brainresponses to a specific action is possible. As thisresearch topic has to deal with different fields andthere are not previous researches that conveys both.The core idea is to provide enough elements to formthe foundations in both areas and propose a schemeto do so. Materials and methods. This section summarizesbasic elements of interaction between learnersand computers that allows us to integrate them.It will show how some responses named cognitiveneuroscience variables are a good source of informationfor user profiling and will illustrate how thisresearched field especially used in neuroscience canbe effectively used for this purpose. In other words,this paper is going to show the reader how somereactions to exposed actions can be tracked andcharacterized. Results. It discusses some issues totake into account for developing the proposed profilingscheme and shows how human brain responsescan be used to acquire the necessary information tofeed an intelligent profiling system. These assumptionsallow researchers to account different phenomenaand use them for different purposes like theone being developed in this work: Learner Profiling.Conclusiones. Algunas ventajas y desafíos del Perfilamiento de Aprendices se enumeran y se invita a los investigadores a aplicar esta tecnología en otroscampos y a ampliar esta aplicación, especialmenteen el contexto enseñanza-aprendizaje.

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