The economic impact of road protests in Valle de Sula, Honduras
Impacto económico de las protestas viales en el Valle de Sula, Honduras
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Introduction: In Honduras, social protests have increased in recent years due to political, economic, and social problems. The protagonists of these actions arise from different groups and organizations that demand consideration through road blockades, which bring with them diverse consequences. Objective: To identify the economic impact of road protests on the industry and population of Valle de Sula (VS), Honduras. Materials and methods: The study was conducted with a mixed, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional design. Surveys were administered to 296 economically active persons (EAP) in the VS and interviews were conducted with 72 companies in the same area. Results: 61.4 % of the EAP and 80 % of the enterprises in the VS are affected by blockades due to protests on public roads. The characteristics of the EAPs that are most related to the economic effect of wage deductions (measured in US dollars whose ISO code is USD) are between USD 8 and 20 per day, are in the age range of 18 to 25 years, type of company (private) and the monthly salary ranges between USD 408 and 611, according to the Chi-square test (<0.05). The affected companies are mostly from the private sector (85 %), experiencing the absence of employees, delays in production and shipments, cancellation of orders, and higher fuel consumption. Causing losses between 203,00 and 406,00 USD in each manifestation. Conclusions: Social demonstrations using blockades on public roads generate a negative impact on the economy of the VS, Honduras, on the population due to salary deductions, and on companies due to losses due to limitations in their production processes.
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