Emotional Competencies and Pedagogical Practice: Analysis of Teacher Training in Colombia
Competencias emocionales y práctica pedagógica: análisis de la formación de docentes en Colombia
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Teacher training encompasses more than simply the transmission of academic knowledge; It also involves the development of social-emotional skills that allow them to address the complexities of teaching and learning. This bibliographic review article aims to explore the relationship between emotional competencies and pedagogical practice through a critical analysis of how the development of emotional competencies has been addressed in teacher training in Colombia. Methodologically, the study is based on a systematic review of the literature, examining previous studies and research that address topics related to emotional competencies, pedagogical practice and the training of teachers in emotional competencies in the Colombian context. The analysis carried out made it possible to identify trends, approaches, gaps and patterns in existing research, as well as provide an overview of how emotional competencies are addressed in teacher training and their impact on pedagogical practice. The findings highlight the importance of this connection between cognitive and socio-emotional skills, underlining the need for greater attention and development in this area. It is expected to provide a solid basis for reflection on educational policies and training programs that can strengthen the emotional competencies of teachers and, therefore, improve the quality of education in Colombia.
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